Friday, November 8, 2013

Energy Equals Muscle Mass

The relationship between energy and mass is relevant in many aspects of life. One of the most well known is Einstein's ground breaking theory of relativity equation. In layman's terms, it basically proves the equivalency of energy and mass. Oddly enough, on the topic of nutrition and weight management, a similar phenomenon holds true.

Our bodies derive energy from the foods we eat. These foods contain nutrients that are the building blocks of the human body. So, in essence, consumed energy equals the mass that makes us who we are. That gives a whole new meaning to the old adage, "You are what you eat!" Who knew bodybuilding could be so thought provoking once you scratch past the surface? ;)

Always Be Prepared

With so many different diet fads and supplements, it can be easy to buy into them. But, the truth is, there is no "secret" or a quick fix. I've been able to consistently achieve my best condition by adhering to a strict diet for an extended period of time. I plan out my day in advance, and prepare my meals ahead of time. If I'm pressed for time, I'll pack some protein bars and meal replacements and take them with me. In my experience, high protein, moderate carbs, and low fats have always provided the best results.

Find out what works for you by sampling different foods and consuming them in moderation. Taper your carbohydrate intake so you eat less of them as the day progresses. Since carbs are a source of energy, it makes no sense to eat too many of them prior to bed time. And, finally, limit the extras, like condiments and side dishes, if they aren't essential to the main meal. Believe me, if you want to look your best, it's worth the sacrifice.